Tuesday, March 15, 2011

still waiting

sorry to be gone so long and not have good news once i returned.
actually i kind of have no news.
we're still waiting.
in fact when we thought we were waiting before, we weren't.
at about the time i thought we were half way through the average 3 month wait to hear if we're licensed we had some more paper work to do. we got through it fairly easily and i was all oh i bet we're going to find out sooner than most people do. then the girl that's been doing our homestudy says ok, now we start the long wait.
oops thought i was already there. so now we're just hanging out waiting to see where things are heading. i'm not on here much but feel free to follow me on twitter cause most of my ideas come across in 140 characters or less anyways ;) @fireworks_hope