Things That Make Me Smile
funny movies, hot cocoa, my husband, puppies, holidays, crafty stuff, lip gloss, my family, knock knock jokes, my twitter friends, my "real life" friends, the fact that someday i will be a great mom, babies, kids in general, chipmunks, the color pink, word searches, naps, napping, warm blankets, laying out in the sun, the beach, britney spears, any pop music, the fact that i've met carlton from the fresh prince of bel-air and mr. belding from saved by the bell ( carlton cool, mr. belding a little creepy), love, decorating, christmas lights, cookies, fuzzy slippers, reading....
so there's way more things that make me happy but that was enough to give me the warm fuzzies for now... which reminds me we used to do a thing at camp called warm fuzzies where we'd write something nice about someone and attach it to one of those pom pom things with googly eyes and anonymously leave it for that person calling it a warm fuzzy... i think we need those in adult life

You are amazing and perfect :)
hugs and kisses!
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